Some Publications and Cartography of Thomas W. Crawford, Jr.

Soils, Land,and their Use

Responses of Plants to Stresses of the Sonoran Desert (Chapter 14)

Stresses in Pasture Areas in South-Central Apennines, Italy, and Evolution at Landscape Level (Chapter 15)

Agriculture and Culture - An Historical Overview

Soil Genesis and Morphology at Pt. Reyes, California, USA

Changing Agricultural Land Use in the Zambezi River Valley, Mozambique

Biodiversity-Rich Ecoregions in Africa Need Protection

Agriculture Intensification and Ecologically Sustainable Land Use Systems in Niger: Transition from Traditional to Technologically Sound Practices

Agriculture Intensification and Ecologically Sustainable Land Use Systems in Niger: A Case Study of Evolution of Intensive Systems with Supplementary Irrigation

Draft Animal Power Use in Ethiopia

Some Ideas on Mechanization as a Development Strategy to Respond to Declining Availability of Farm Labor Due to HIV/AIDS and Migration to Cities in Africa

Solving Agricultural Problems Related to Soil Acidity in Central Africa's Great Lakes Region

Plant Nutrition and Organic Pest Control

Mycorrhized Wheat Plants and Nitrogen Assimilation in Coexistence and Antagonism with Spontaneous Colonization of Pathogenic and Saprophytic Fungi in a Soil of Low Fertility

Plant Nutrition--Rates of Transport and Metabolism (Chapter 16)

Plant Nutrition--Interactions of Mineral and Organic Substances (Chapter 17)

Roles and Implications of Arbuscular Mycorrhizas in Plant Nutrition (Chapter 18)

Simultaneous Biochemical and Physiological Responses of the Roots and Leaves of Pancratium maritimum (Amaryllidaceae) to Mild Salt Stress

Effects of Olive Mill Wastewater and Two Natural Extracts as Nitrification Inhibitors on Activity of Nitrifying Bacteria, Soil Nitrate Leaching Loss, and Nitrogen Metabolism of Celery (Apium graveolens L.)

Some Interactions of Mineral Nutrients and Organic Substances in Plant Nutrition

Rates of Processes of Essential Plant Nutrients

Dynamic Aspects of Plant Nutrition

Sources, fluxes and sinks of nitrogen during early reproductive growth of maize (Zea mays L.)

Partitioning into Maize Grain N Fractions of N Absorbed through the Roots before and after Pollination

Accumulation of Amino Acid Nitrogen and Acid-Hydrolyzable Ammonium Nitrogen in Opaque-2 and Normal Maize Grain

Nitrogen translocation in N-efficient and N-inefficient cultivars of sorghum

Multi-Compartmental Modeling of Nitrogen Translocation in Sorghums Differing in Nitrogen Use Efficiency

Manganese and rates of growth and mineral accumulation in cucumber

Net Fluxes of Mineral Nutrients, Water, and Carbohydrate Influenced by Manganese in Root and Shoot of Cucumis sativus L

Manganese stresses and mineral nutrition of cucumber plants

Organic Pesticides - A Key Component of Organic Farming


Executive Summary of the Sahel Water Data & Management III Project Final Evaluation

Amhara National Regional State Food Security Research Assessment Report by USAID Collaborative Research Support Programs Team

Digital Cartography

Atlas of the Collaborative Research Support Programs, 2002

Design and Production of an Atlas for Diplomacy in Zimbabwe and the Southern African Development Community

Maps of South Mountain Park and Environs, Phoenix, Arizona

Book Review and Letters to the Editor

Book review: Politics and Languages Do Mix -- Languages in a Globalising World

Letters to the Editor of Multilingual Communications and Technology

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